Monday 27 March 2017

Episode 18 - Romancing the Ton(a)

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This week we’re reading Chapter 14 of TWTSF:R and we mostly spend it with the now captain (shudder) of the Vortmund, Tona, as she mines, romances and touches dusty alien eggs.

Featured this week is lots of complaining about Tona being a captain, the universes weird tech abilities, Jack’s light fitting sabotage and an old timey space miner that Peter found far more entertaining than he should.

Support the author and buy the book we're reading at the link below:

Monday 13 March 2017

Episode 17 - Stop Of His Head

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This week you’re bookends Join Jack and the tranquillity crew in getting far away from any threat of an interesting plot or action scene around the insurrectionist base, Peter again displays his frayed sanity when he talks about spaceship engines for about a quarter of an hour and Tona become a captain of her own ship.




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Tuesday 7 March 2017

Episode 16 - Girder Based Recruitment

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After last week’s throwback, your bookends are finally talking to you from there here and now as they finally get their teeth back into “The Way The Stars Fall: Rebirth”.

It’s good to be back my friends.

Prepare yourselves for steamy love pecks, dreams of a Jack-Insurrectionist duumvirate, complete abandonment of any attempts to describe action sequences and the hasty abortion of this insurrectionist arc before anything had a chance to happen.

Support the author and buy the book we're reading at the link below: