Tuesday 10 October 2017

Episode 31 - Anacondas in the Ovary Office (feat. Smash Mouth)

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It’s the penultimate episode on Sonic High School your bookends will ever do. This week we’ll be reading Chapters 23 and 24, it’s been 7 episodes on this abortion of a fanfic, and my god does it feel like many, many more.

Shadow the hedgehog finds out the cause of his funeral faux pas was due to missing a Ultra Chaos Emerald. In order to get back the missing emerald he seduces cream the rabbit, and then knocks her unconscious with a piggy bank on the end of his penis. Just as he finds the emerald, Tails bursts in proclaiming he’s worked out what’s going on. We then flash back in the next chapter to the rest of the main cast at Sonic’s wake, commiserating, making teeth, being babies, just wake things. Then Tails sings a sad song about high school, before having the revelation that sent him to Cream’s house in the prior chapter.

Meanwhile, your bookends drag out this already bloated series by getting possibly the most off topic they’ve ever managed. Discussing snake care, water consumption, Tenacious D, the mystic tale of Andorra’s Box and the taste of elbow lubricant. In particular, we spend a long time on planning our perfect Anaconda and Hotdog funeral.

We also sing Tail’s song to the tune of Smash Mouth’s hit “All Star”. You have been warned.

You can read Sonic High School (if so inclined) at the following link:

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