Monday 9 January 2017

Episode 11 - Surly Beard Of Mrifk

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After a long Christmas break, your two bookends decide to mix things up to celebrate crossing the 1/3 hurdle of The Way The Stars Fall by reading a different short story, infamous in its awfulness – The Eye Of Argon by Jim Theis. A slight shake up also in that, due to both the shortness and the lack of copyright concerns, we have decided to read through the story in its entirety and makes comments as we go. To be honest, for the most part we just read the book while Peter tries to stop himself from fainting from laughter induced giddiness. It galls me to say that the Eye Of Argon is such an entity there isn’t too much your bookends can add that the book doesn’t say for itself.

But my god is it funny.

We only read the first two chapters here; we expect it will only take another 2 or 3 episodes to finish the rest.

There’s nobody to support if you want to read the Eye Of Argon, but you can give an online copy a read here:

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