Monday 16 January 2017

Episode 12 - Chekhov's Rat

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This week your two bookends read chapter 3, 3.5 and 4 of the Eye of Argon by Jim Theis, where Grignr sits in the dark, considering how much less he eats when he does nothing, we get a completely unexplained cutaway to some pimpin shamen (sic) hanging about where we get a glimpse of the titular Eye of Argon, before going back to possibly the longest chapter so far, where Grignr fights with a rat, and nothing else of note occurs. However, to our delight this life or death tussle with a rodent does provide Grignr with his first workable escape plan.

As ever, this description does no justice to the baffling prose employed by the dearly departed Theis.

There’s nobody to support if you want to read the Eye Of Argon, but you can give an online copy a read here:

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