Wednesday 25 April 2018

Episode 36 - Uncharacteristic Competence

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This time on Two Absolute Bookends we get a chapter of literally nothing, albeit nothing written better that any of the action we’ve had recently.

Tiberius returns back to the Imperator for a chat after everything went wrong in his attempt to capture the Tranquillity and fight the Rokarii at the same time. However, being a bro, the Imperator decides to give him another shot, and sends him back out to track down and capture the Tranquillity once and for all. That’s it. Though, we both agree, despite literally nothing happening, this chapter was actually almost written well in parts, so don’t say we can't praise the book when promise is shown.

Of course, in such a short chapter, we manage to get distracted as per usual and discuss the history of Manservants and thereby Peter’s infatuation with PG Wodehouse and the idealised version of the early 20th century he set his books in, the noble ancient Roman tradition of the haruspex and the relative merits of Scrappy Doo as a cartoon character. And who could forget the Globgogabgalab...

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