Thursday, 31 August 2017

Episode 26 - Big Boobed Bat With Bra Has Butt Baby

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This week your bookends continue their trip into the heart of darkness that is the insanity of Sonic High School. Where Bats and Chameleons have sex in science hats, and anything is possible.

Together we learn high tier sex moves from a horny chameleon, Louis has a mental breakdown when he invents a new word for his penis and then proceeds to have an Eggman revelation. Meanwhile Peter wonders about the legality of tricking a friend into having an abortion and goes even more unhinged when faced with the reality of Charmy Bee’s chin.

So, join us on the bumpful road to becoming the alpha and the omega as we follow the path to glory that begins at the base of your friend’s penis.

You can read Sonic High School (if so inclined) at the following link:

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Episode 25 - ECAF EKAHS

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This week your bookends start their fan fiction odyssey into the twisted world of Sonic High School, where, against everyone’s better judgement, we will be spending the next few weeks.

Join us in our utter bewilderment as two grown men with very little knowledge of the Sonic franchise read about Sonic having ball problems that he writes about in his journal, a prom in a haunted house on Ghost Island, homoerotic interspecies crying, face shaking in madness and sadness caused by Dr Eggman as played by a fat gay asshole (the writer’s words, not mine).

This podcast also features some massive digressions from your bookends about ferrets, foxes having sex and shitting in urinals, just so they had something comparatively ordinary to talk about.

You can read Sonic High School (if so inclined) at the following link:

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Episode 24 - Nobody Expects the ITF Tranquillity

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Join your Two Absolute Bookends in Chapter 20 of The Way The Stars Fall: Rebirth where the Tranquility go back 50000 years into the past, and nobody really cares, jack decided to try rescuing Tona against all good reason and Jack goes on a ‘Snatch & Grab’ with the trading ships crap marines – Starfire Squad. Huwah!

Their plan fails miserably.

I’ve made the chapter sound a lot more interesting than it actually is, with the action only taking up like a quarter of the chapter, but somehow your bookends talk forever, with Peter really going off on one about how this is the chapter where the book really lost it. He got so engrossed in yelling about time travel he forgot to mention the passage the episode name comes from. What a plum preserve he is. You get a whole groat if you can spot the passage.

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