Saturday 9 December 2017

Bookend Game Awards: Best Ongoing Game

I guess this means game undergoing regular support and updates by the Devs that still have active online communities? I’ll admit some of these are tenuous... But let’s go!

  • Dark Souls – The Legend Never Dies!
  • Killing Floor 2 – Gets good support, new characters and areas and shit. Good dame.
  • Medieval Total War 2 – Again, this is clearly going to the modders who are doing god’s own work...
  • Overwatch – Updates, patches and cosmetic shit all the time. Blizzard know how to keep milking this golden goose.
  • Rocket league – They love their keys and crates, that’s for sure.

And the Winner is:

                Rocket League

I’ll be honest; this is pretty much just a re-run of my best online game... Now I think about it this feels like another award that’s just there to inflate the ceremony and keep the egos good and 

Join me next time for... Games for Impact?

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