Saturday 9 December 2017

Bookend Game Awards: Best Performance

Yea, I find that I only notice when a performance is bad, if you follow me? When a performance is good, it helps me enjoy the story, but I’m never sitting there think “OMG *Insert actor* is nailing this scene!” Usually because even the best games usually have mediocre stories and/or acting, but also because I’m the kind of person that doesn’t think about that stuff in films or TV either. And while a bad performance can ruin a game, especially if it’s story heavy, I’m pretty happy playing games with no story, or where the story is delivered by text or where there’s just no dialogue. So, while I don’t want to undersell voice actors, good ones can be a real boon to a game, it’s just not something I spend any amount of time thinking about. All of this is a big apology for my nominations...

  • Killer7 – “.... I don’t follow”

  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengence – “NANOMACHINE SON!”

  • Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker – “I LOVE THE BEACH!”
    Don’t take it personally David Hayter :3 What a thrill...
  • Spyro the dragon – “You’re Toast Gnorc!”

  • Total War: Shogun 2 – “SHAMEFUUUU DISPRAY!”

And the winner is...


I mean...

Metal Gear Rising: Revengence

Plz no bully people that actually care about actors. The sensible answer would probably be someone from Uncharted 4 or Red Dead Redemption, but it's not like any performance there stood out to me so ¯\_(惄)_/¯

Join me next time for Best Audio Design!

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