Saturday 9 December 2017

Bookend Game Awards: Best Audio Design

I have no snark or other comments about this category for once. It’s a legit category and I have some good nominations. There’s actually more names I can think of that I’m mad I can’t give a nomination.

  • Hollow Knight – Atmospheric background music, ambient sounds, character voices... eh mumbles, impact interaction foley. Great sound design.
  • ICEY – Tries to do a Stanley parable with the narrator, not as well in my opinion, but comes together for a pretty compelling sound mix.
  • Lone Survivor – An incredibly atmospheric sounding game, what else can I say.
  • Medieval Total War 2 – Another nomination for Europa Barborum 2 in truth. But when the Carnyx wails above recreated ancient music as men scream at each other in our best approximation for ancient Celtic and Latin, just, go damn. Why aren’t the actual Total War games this good?
  • Red Dead Redemption – It sounds like the Wild West.

And the winner is...

                Red Dead Redemption

Because the sound direction really does complete the illusion of being in the Wild West in a way few games achieve. You can feel the tumbleweeds.

Join me next time for Best Score/Music!

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